
Malca Family (Rina Maymon)
Fortuna Ben Oliel and Yichyah Malca met and got married in Algiers. They both had children from previous marriages – Eli Malca was Yichyah’s son and Fifin and Yosef Sharvit were Fortuna’s children. Their first two children together, Rina and Yisrael, were born in Algiers. In 1948 the family ‘made Aliyah’- they immigrated to Israel by boat through Marseille. In Marseille the father was detained due to eye issues, so the mother and kids had to continue on to Israel without him. In Israel Eli, the oldest son, was drafted into the army, the teenagers- Fifin and Yosef -were sent to a Kibbutz, and the mother was placed at Ma'abarat Pardes-Hanna (a transit camp) with the younger children. She reunited the family quickly and they all moved to Musrara neighborhood, into a big house on Shivtey Yisrael street, which was shared with three other families. The father joined as well and over the years more kids were born- Hanna and Alizah the twins, Sarah, David and Uri. The family lived in Musrara until after the Six-Day War (1967).
A year photo of the class of 1960, Rina Maymon’s class, in Beit Yaakov school. A year photo of the class of 1960, Rina Maymon’s class, in Beit Yaakov school.
At the wedding of Rina and Benny Maymon, friends and family At the wedding of Rina and Benny Maymon, friends and family
The Maymon family in Tunisia, at the city of Gabès, two years before ‘making Aliyah’ (immigrating to Israel). The Maymon family in Tunisia, at the city of Gabès, two years before ‘making Aliyah’ (immigrating to Israel).
Rina Maymon (Malca) and her daughters Revital and Oranit Rina Maymon (Malca) and her daughters Revital and Oranit
Fortuna Malca (in the center) with friends at a club in Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood. Fortuna Malca (in the center) with friends at a club in Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood.
Rina and Benny Maymon at a neighbors’ wedding Rina and Benny Maymon at a neighbors’ wedding
Benny Maymon cooking on a kerosene burner at Rina and Benny’s home in Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood. Benny Maymon cooking on a kerosene burner at Rina and Benny’s home in Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood.
Rina Malca and Benny Maymon dancing at their engagement, in the Malca family’s home in Musrara, 1963 Rina Malca and Benny Maymon dancing at their engagement, in the Malca family’s home in Musrara, 1963
A gathering of neighbors and rabbis at the Malca family’s home in Musrara, on Shivtey Yisrael street. A gathering of neighbors and rabbis at the Malca family’s home in Musrara, on Shivtey Yisrael street.
Wedding of Rina Malca and Benny Maymon at Ulamey Armon. Wedding of Rina Malca and Benny Maymon at Ulamey Armon.
The sisters Rina and Hannah of the Malca family The sisters Rina and Hannah of the Malca family
 1966,Friend from Musrara at a wedding. 1966,Friend from Musrara at a wedding.
A family picnic at Jerusalem Forest, with brother-in-law’s family - Ben Harush. A family picnic at Jerusalem Forest, with brother-in-law’s family - Ben Harush.
The wedding of Yossi Sharvit (Rina Malca’s brother from mother) and his wife Sylvia, at Ulamey Armon on Shlomtzion HaMalka street The wedding of Yossi Sharvit (Rina Malca’s brother from mother) and his wife Sylvia, at Ulamey Armon on Shlomtzion HaMalka street
Fortuna Malca with a guest, in shul at the Bar-Mitzvah of one of her sons Fortuna Malca with a guest, in shul at the Bar-Mitzvah of one of her sons
Six siblings of the Malca family Six siblings of the Malca family
Summary of an interview with Rina Maymon (Malca) Summary of an interview with Rina Maymon (Malca)

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