Grubian (Regev)

Machsuma (Hakimian) and Yitzhak Grubian ‘made Aliyah’ (immigrated to Israel) from Iranian Kurdistan, from the city of Saqqez in north Iran.
Before getting to Israel they stayed in 'Beheshtieh' transit camp in Tehran, where they had their first baby-girl, who died of a disease. In 1950 they arrived in Israel, together with many other relatives.
The family got to Ma’abarat Rosh-Pina (a transit camp), where their eldest son, Naftali, was born. A half a year later they moved to Nes-Harim, and from there to Musrara neighborhood in Jerusalem. In Musrara eight more children were born: Hannah, Sima, Danny, Miriam, Meir, Uzi (who passed away as a child), Ovadiah and Yehudit.
During their first few years in Musrara the Grubian family lived in the yard at the end of Ha’ayin Het street, next to the wall. This yard was a home to about a hundred families from Iranian Kurdistan, and it had a unique family atmosphere. In 1958 the family moved to a two-room apartment at 24 Shivtey Israel street.
In 1971 the Grubian family left Musrara. Later on they changed their family name to RegeIn 1971 the Gruvian family left Musrara. Later on they changed their family name to Regev.
ummary of an interview with Naftali Regev (Grubian) ummary of an interview with Naftali Regev (Grubian)

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