
Rachamim and Saada Dayan lived in Rabat, Morocco, with their seven children: Suzan, Maxim, Meir, Bruriah, Janet, Jackie and Kuki. In 1955 they ‘made Aliyah’ and immigrated to Israel with five of their children (Suzan and Maxim moved to Israel beforehand through Aliyat HaNoar -a Zionist organization that brought youth to Israel- and settled in different Kibbutzim). The family arrived in Jerusalem and settled in Musrara, first they lived on Ha’ayin-Het street and then moved to Daniel street. 


A trip to Gan Hashlosha in the neighborhood club A trip to Gan Hashlosha in the neighborhood club
The friends are having fun The friends are having fun
Friends having fun at Independence Park Friends having fun at Independence Park
Friends having fun at Independence Park Friends having fun at Independence Park
Friends for Life Friends for Life
A Purim performance at the Malaban boarding school in the Arnona neighborhood A Purim performance at the Malaban boarding school in the Arnona neighborhood
Sima Sima
From photographs to a film by their friend, Michael Nidam From photographs to a film by their friend, Michael Nidam
A Purim performance at the Malaban boarding school in the Arnona neighborhood A Purim performance at the Malaban boarding school in the Arnona neighborhood
Musrara neighborhood Musrara neighborhood
A trip in the framework of the club that operated in the neighborhood A trip in the framework of the club that operated in the neighborhood
The boys are playing in the neighborhood The boys are playing in the neighborhood
Musrara neighborhood Musrara neighborhood
A trip to Gan Hashlosha in the neighborhood club A trip to Gan Hashlosha in the neighborhood club
Friends having fun at Independence Park Friends having fun at Independence Park
The friends are having fun The friends are having fun
Spending time in the city center Spending time in the city center
Friends in the neighborhood Friends in the neighborhood
A trip to the Hatanur waterfall in the framework of the club that operated in Musrara A trip to the Hatanur waterfall in the framework of the club that operated in Musrara
At the wedding of Berto and Sima At the wedding of Berto and Sima
Friends for Life Friends for Life
The friends are having fun The friends are having fun
Friends in Musrara Friends in Musrara
Berto in the army Berto in the army
Berto in the neighborhood Berto in the neighborhood
Interview with Meir (Berto) Dayan Interview with Meir (Berto) Dayan

Choice of The Day

Summary of an interview with Madelaine Vanunu (Abergel)
Summary of an interview with Madelaine Vanunu (Abergel)

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